Getting Unstuck May Start With Getting Your Home in Order

Testimonial Post Written by a Satisfied Handy Girlz Customer

When my fiancĂ©, who was also my very best friend, died tragically, I was devastated. Soon after his passing, I noticed a number of changes…

I became very sad to the point where I didn’t even want to get up each day.

Wine became one of my very best friends and I spent a lot of time browsing the aisles of my local wine store.

I was allowing my career to fall by the waysides.

I started gaining weight in all the wrong places.

But probably the most significant concern that someone might have, as an observer looking in, was the condition of my home. It wasn’t a complete shambles, but it was in disarray and confusion.

I had a clock hanging on my living room wall that hadn’t ticked one day since it arrived. All it needed was a couple of batteries.

There was a critter getting into my attic. All I had to do was set a $40 trap and catch it (which I eventually did with the help of a local wildlife expert).

I had wooden railings just laying at the foot of my steps that needed to be re-hung. All they needed was a drill and a few screws.

I had an old bean bag laying in my basement growing moldy. All I had to do was wrap it in a plastic bag and drag it outside.

I had two rooms that badly needed painting. All I had to do was go to Home Depot or Lowes and buy a $25 bucket of paint in my favorite color.

Why hadn’t I done these simple things on my own? Because I was STUCK.

The Handy Girlz came to my home and immediately got to work — wiping down walls and baseboards, sweeping, painting and talking about how to Feng Shui each room of the house. They got me to take the clock off the wall (finally) and get it working. They were so enthusiastic about getting my house in tip top shape that I had to wonder why I didn’t share that same enthusiasm?

Long story short, I now feel SO comfortable in my home. Every room I enter seems fresh, organized and inviting.

I strongly recommend the Handy Girlz if you’re a single woman homeowner like me, maybe a little sad, maybe a little “stuck” and want some reliable help with your home from two “handy” ladies. They’re also a help for busy professionals like me who work a lot and just don’t have time for “home stuff.” They were busy at work while I sat on my laptop.

My clock is now ticking for the first time, in more ways than one. THANK YOU HANDY GIRLZ!!

Posted by L.G.

Home Is Where the Heart Is, But It’s Also a Reflection of Where Your Mind Is #HandyGirlz

We’ve all heard the saying that your home is where your heart is. It’s a place where you go to live and love comfortable with the people (or pets) you’re closest with.

 Phil Kates;

Time to Get Your House in Order!

But we can take that statement a step further and say that your home is a reflection of where your mind is as well.

Is it organized and tidy?
Or is it disorganized, messy and confused?

Is it decorative and relaxing?
Or is it cold and uncomfortable?

Is it well-maintained or is it in disrepair or disarray?

The decor, design, cleanliness, feel and condition of your home can be an indication of what’s going on in your mind and ultimately what’s happening in your life.

When we came to help our sister organize and paint her home, it was in a state of complete confusion and disarray. When we finally finished helping her clean up, organize, paint and Feng Shui all of her rooms to perfection she cried and admitted that she had been stuck in a backwards mentality for many years.

She went to college and never left mentally, still treating her beautiful home like it was a dorm room with little to no decor. She had also left her home in the same condition it was in when her fiancé died several years ago. She was sad and confused, and it reflected in the way her home looked and felt.

Now, the rooms are airy and beautiful. All of the furniture is exactly where it should be, and just about every corner and crevice of the house has been swept and mopped. She is happier and feeling excited about enjoying her new surroundings.

Do You and Your Home Need Some Help?
Are you feeling “stuck” in a home that feels messy, disorganized, bare or in disarray? It’s time to take action and “get your house in order!”

Contact the Handy Girlz today if you’re in the Greater Charlotte area for a free in-home consultation. We’re here to help!

The Handy Girlz